Friday 13 September 2013

Best natural Home remedies to remove facial unwanted hair

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Most of the women are afraid of their looks, but the main concern of maximum land up to their facial hair. Facial hair are intolerable and distracts the clear and clean face. It is a general battle of women with their facial hair. However, there are minimal hair on the face but at times there is a sudden rise of facial hair which is so called hirsutism, a real hormonal imbalance is the cause of it as the levels of oestrogen in the body determines the facial hair growth. It is true that hirsutism is a long term problem and before you could actually impart waxing, shaving and other treatments it gradually grow more. A permanent cure is however not found, but there are certain home remedies which can benefit you in several ways
1. Turmeric: In Indian homes, It is usually found and comes with great beauty facts. Turmeric is often applied to get a glowing and clear face. Turmeric is highly antibacterial which helps in fairer complexion, and removing those harsh hair. It is great when applied with gram flour. It is said that turmeric possess the properties of curbing hair growth.
2. Gram flour: It is traditionally used in various Indian homes as a great face mask. The properties it has are highly beneficial to counterpart the dullness of the skin. Gram flour when mixed with turmeric and yoghurt gives you result which are effective than any facial treatment. As we know the natural remedies are deprived of any side effects and so it holds true for this mixture which removes out those small in-grows.
3. Sugar mix: A home made wax like substance can offer you the qualities of wax with no or less pain. However, this process is highly effective but it comes with a mess and might get bit painful. The substituents of this mix are lemon and honey, which acts as a bleach with little or mild irritation on the face. Taking lemon juice, honey and sugar by heating them to a moderate level and apply the same can jeopardise the appearance of hair after the mix is removed. It is removed by a cloth strip and a general process of waxing is executed here.
4. Egg mask: Take the white of an egg, and put a tablespoon of sugar and half a tablespoon of corn flour. Give it a good stir until it forms into a paste and apply the same on the face where you find facial hair. Let it dry for some time and you will witness a mask which is formed. It can be removed out easily plucking up all the unwanted facial hair. This remedy of egg mask is widely used as all the ingredients are easily available at home and gives the good results.
5. Include phytoestrogens in your diet: A proper meal plan also helps in getting rid of facial hair. Facial hair are generally rises by hormonal imbalance and it will get severe if the diet habits are not taken under consideration. Researchers are studying the effect of phytoestrogens in patients with hormonal imbalance; results indicate that consuming food rich in phytoestrogens results in less growth of hair on the face. Flax Seeds, fennel, alfalfa(rajika), and Gotu Kala( Brahmi in north India) are rich in the content of phytoestrogens. Adding the same to your diet plan can make significant change in combating hirsutism.

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