Friday 11 October 2013

Inexpensive beauty tricks only stylists know

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cat eye

Save a little money on your beauty regimen with these inexpensive secrets from the pros.
1. Baby your brushes
Good makeup brushes should last a lifetime. If yours looks destroyed, here is how to keep your next brush in tiptop shape. First, never let your brushes sit with product on them for too long; it can permanently damage the bristles.

Wash them regularly with shampoo or a mild dish detergent. To dry, lay brushes flat on a paper towel, if you put them upright in a cup, water can seep into the base and rot the brush.
2. Don't redo makeuprefresh it
There is no need to remove and re-apply makeup after a mid-day meltdown. To sop up oil and refresh makeup, lightly mist your face with toner, and then pat with a tissue. Then dust with loose powder for a smooth, velvety finish.
3. Skip the expensive body scrubs
Is a spa body treatment beyond your budget? You can easily get silky, smooth skin at home with a homemade body scrub from: mix one part olive oil with two parts sugar or salt, then add a few drops of an essential oil (try lavender or grapefruit). Gently massage over your arms and legs before your next shower, and then rinse off with warm water.
4. Prepare before you pucker up
Smooth, flake-free lips are an essential first step when applying lip color, but you do not need to buy a lip scrub, personal stylist Fawn Cheng tells her recipe:
Mix equal parts brown sugar, olive oil, and vanilla extract. Gently massage the mixture over lips and remove with a facial tissue. Then proceed as normal with your lipstick routine.
5. Don't over-powder
When you are getting ready on a hot day, do not continuously powder your face as you do your makeup, says makeup artist Lisa O'Connor; you will risk ending up with a caked-on effect. 'Wait until just before you're ready to go out, then blot excess moisture and set your makeup with powder,'
6. Make any lipstick long-lasting
To reduce your need for touch-ups, dust a little powder on a folded facial tissue, and then press it gently between your lips to blot your lipstick.
Bonus: This trick also helps keep color off your teeth.
7. Perfect the cat eye
For an expertly drawn look you can create at home, all you need is a sticky note, business card, or paper towel. Close the eye you are going to work on, and line up the note, card, or towel at a slight upward angle. Use it as a guide for creating the signature swooped-up line using your favorite eyeliner.
8. Get tinted lashes-for less
Salon-tinted eyelashes provide a natural-looking, eye-enhancing effect. However, you can create a similarly glossy, non-clumpy look without an appointment. Simply use volumizing mascara and a facial tissue. Take your mascara wand, dip it in the tube, wipe it on a tissue several times to remove excess product, and then apply it.
9. At the end of the day, Vaseline is the best makeup remover
Makeup artistand owner of an eponymous cosmetics lineLaura Geller says she uses Vaseline to take off her eye makeup. It is a ritual she picked up from her mother, who also used basic petroleum jelly to moisturize her hands. "Just dip a tissue into a jar and wipe your face with downward strokesall your makeup will come right off,"

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